Welcome to 4-H Youth Development!
State 4-H Conference Sponsorship
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Ideas in Action!
The 4-H youth development program is a dynamic non-formal education program.
4-H provides youth with opportunities to learn skills, gain knowledge, have fun, and make contributions in such areas as environmental education, community service, and current youth issues.
To find out more about 4-H opportunities in your area, contact your local County Extension Office or our 4-H Faculty and Staff.
If you have any problems viewing information or obtaining forms from this website, please contact the State 4-H Office at (575) 646-3026.
Conferences & Events
Contact Us
Physical Address: MSC 3AE Las Cruces, NM 88003
Room: Neale Hall, Room 101
Phone: 575-646-3026
Fax: 575-646-3027
Email: state4h@nmsu.edu