National Events
National 4-H Contests
New Mexico representatives in these national contests are determined by team scores at the New Mexico State 4-H Conference. This annual conference is held in July at New Mexico State University.
- Livestock Judging Teams
- 1st State Team - Louisville, Kentucky
- 2nd State Team - Kansas City, MO
- 3rd State Team - Western Roundup, Denver, CO
- Livestock Skill-a-thon
- 1st State Team - Louisville, KY
- Dairy Judging Team
- 1st State Team - Madison, WI
- FCS National Championship and Conference - San Antonio, TX
- Information Link
- 1st State Team - Consumer Decision Making
- 1st and 2nd Place Fashion Revue
- 1st State Team - FCS Bowl
- 1st and 2nd Place FCS Prentation
- 1st State Team - FCS Skill-a-Thon
- Meats Judging Team
- 1st State Team - Kansas City, MO
- 2nd State Team - Western 4-H Roundup - Denver, CO
- Land Judging
- 1st State Team - Oklahoma City, OK
- Range & Pasture
- 1st State Team - Oklahoma City, OK
- Horticulture
- 1st State Team - Location Varies
- National Wildlife Habitat
- 1st State Team - Location Varies
- Shooting Sports - Grand Island, NE
- 1st State Team Rifle
- 1st State Team Shotgun
- 1st State Team Archery
- 1st State Team Muzzleloading
- 1st State Team Pistol
- Western 4-H Round Up - Denver, CO
- 1st State Team Horse Judging
- 1st State Team Horse Bowl
- 1st State Team Hippology
- 1st Individual Horse Public Speaking
- 1st Individual or Team Horse Demonstration
- 1st State Team Parliamentary Procedure
- 3rd Place Livestock Team
- 2nd Place Meats Team
- 1st Place Public Speaking - Prepared
- 1st Place Public Speaking - Impromptu
Citizenship Washington Focus

If you have a delegation interested in attending please fill out the form in the packet and return it with the $250 deposit for each delegate to the State 4-H Office by Oct. 17.
4-H International

Learning about other countries and cultures is an opportunity available to New Mexico 4-H members, ages 16-19. What happens in other countries and on other continents affects each of us in some way. Sharing customs and cultures with each other is fostered by living with a host family (see countries available below) for one month during the summer.
National 4-H Congress
When: November 29-December 3, 2024
Where: Atlanta, GA
National 4-H Congress is the flagship event of the 4-H program. The conference is open to 4-H members from the United States and its territories. It provides youth (ages 14-19) a quality, educational and cross-cultural experience that exceeds what any state could provide independently. It is designed to address the needs and issues of youth while helping to develop capable, competent, and caring citizens.
The program is built upon the Cooperative Extension System's belief that young people are significant partners in addressing the issues that face our nation, especially those affecting youth. Each year a National Design Team of Extension educators, 4-H youth and 4-H adult volunteers analyze current youth issues and determine the most effective ways to address them. The program combines plenary sessions, seminars, discussion groups, a nationally broadcast town hall meeting, and a service learning experience.
The young people who attend National 4-H Congress come from all strata of our nation's population representing a variety of economic, social and cultural backgrounds. They hail from farms, small towns, suburbs, and cities. They represent all ethnicities. New Mexico youth are selected by submitting a NM 4-H Portfolio to be judged in January. The top 15 books selected earn the youth a trip to 4-H Congress.
The program costs in New Mexico are covered by the New Mexico 4-H Foundation and the New Mexico State 4-H.