2024-2025 State 4-H Leadership Teams

NM State 4-H Leadership Team


President - Denny Turner, Curry County

Vice President - Jaleh Mosher, Sandoval County

Secretary - Kate Dion-LaMont,  Santa Fe County

Reporter - Faith Carter, Lea County

Song and Recreation Leader - Sam Prada, Los Alamos County


State 4-H Ambassadors


Nadya Neparko, Dona Ana County - STEM Ambassador 

Lacey Knight, Dona Ana County - Horse Ambassador 

Shaylee Priest, Curry County - Leadership Ambassador 

Journey Sheehan, Hidalgo County - Small Stock Ambassador 

Kyle Wood, Curry County - Beef Ambassador 


State 4-H Leadership Team Information 

State 4-H Leadership Team Applications

The Constitution and Bylaws of the New Mexico 4-H Council were revised at the 2019 NM State 4-H Conference business meeting. The revised constitution and bylaws includes restructuring of the NM 4-H Leadership Team. Within that restructuring, the ambassador selection will be moved to the annual meeting in July (NM State 4-H Conference).

Constitution and Bylaws of the NM State 4-H Council

4-H Officers Handbook