Aggie Next Step

Aggie Next Step is a 4-H Youth Development extension and outreach program that focuses on post-secondary success for 8th-12th grade youth in middle school, high school, youth organizations, home school groups and other educational institutes. Using a combination of in-person and online educational tools, presentations, workshops and experiential experiences, Aggie Next Step focuses on helping youth develop personal, academic, and career skills and set career goals to persist through high school and beyond. Through the Aggie Next Step program youth will be able to confidently determine their career pathway and create a clear plan on how to get there through higher education, technical and trade school, apprenticeships or by starting directly in their career field.
Aggie Next Step Curriculum
Our curriculum is designed to prepare youth for a successful high school transition to either college or career. Our program guides youth in developing and enhancing key life skills in three major focus areas: personal, academic and career.
The curriculum is delivered through Canvas. Educators, 4-H and other youth organization group leaders’ and youth access our curriculum through NMSU’s online learning system, NMSU Global Campus. The Aggie Next Step curriculum can be delivered through in person, virtual or hybrid learning environments. Learning units are highly adaptable to being used as a complete curriculum, or individual lessons and activities can be pulled to meet the needs of participating youth.
- Aggie Next Step Units
Group and Classroom Workshops
Topic specific presentations are provided by state and county 4-H faculty as classroom or youth organization workshop.
Available Workshop Topics Include:
- Stress Management
- Your Digital Footprint
- Resume Building and Job Interviews
- Teamwork
- Conflict Management
Career Exploration Academies
ANS Career Exploration Academies are free one-day career exploration events where 8th through 12th grade youth participate in career related, hands on, interactive activities and presentations from faculty, staff and students from across the NMSU system.
College Experience
ANS College Experience events are for schools or groups who are enrolled in ANS and participating in the curriculum. College Experience is a two-day campus visit giving students a more in depth understanding of campus life and exploring a broader range of careers and academic programs.