State 4-H Conference

2024 State 4-H Conference

When: July 8 -11, 2024
Location: Las Cruces, NM
Theme: Step Into the Spotlight  

Forever 4H confrence logo

State 4-H Conference SponsorsState Conference Events

Event Schedule

Workshop Descriptions - Coming Soon

Community Service Activity

General Rules for All Senior 4-H Participants

Dance Themes

State Conference Speaker

2024 State 4-H Conference Speaker   

John Beede

2024 State Conference Keynote


Adventurer John Beede has been struck by lighting, attacked by a 5-foot iguana, and he once did the hokey-pokey in the eye of a hurricane. He’s been swimming with Hammerhead, Great White, and Whale sharks. He was even trapped in the Indonesian jungle between warring tribes and the world’s largest goldmine. His travels have taken him to 56 countries and every continent, including Antarctica.

In his presentation, you’re going to learn the peak performance and leadership lessons that John learned while pursuing his life’s biggest dream; reaching the summit of Mount Everest. After two months of climbing, 9 months of full-time preparation, and 17 years of mountaineering, he planted his trusty ice axe into the summit of Mount Everest. Subsequently, he was featured on TV’s 60 Minutes and media outlets across the globe.

He is not sponsored. All funding for his expeditions comes from building and selling his own companies. Additionally, he has authored two books, including Climb On! Success Strategies for Teens and The Mini-Manual for Becoming Super Awesome. Together, they have sold over 50,000 copies. After his talk, you’re welcome to purchase a copy of your own and take your picture with this extraordinary gentleman.

Get ready to laugh and be inspired. John’s integration of outdoor adventure stories and powerful success strategies are going to catapult you to a new level of personal achievement.

Keynote Speaker Booked Through

2024 SC Speaker Company

Awards and Scholarships

2024 State Contest Schedule 

Contest Rules and Guidelines

Required Forms


Zoom Etiquette

1. When you join a 2020 State 4-H Conference zoom meeting, you will be asked to rename yourself as shown. [your county] - [first name]
Example: McKinley - Patti

2. Keep your microphone on mute unless you're responding to a question and asked to speak.

3. If you have a bad Internet connection. Try turning off your video, especially with larger groups.

State Conference Contest Results