4-H Hall of Fame
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Ken Sabo
Nominated by: State 4-H Office
Inducted in: 2002
Ken Sabo has been involved with New Mexico 4-H youth activities since he first became the state 4-H and Youth Development Program leader in 1978. Prior to that, he worked as an Extension 4-H Specialist for the University of Arizona. Ken retired from Extension in 1990, but continued to promote and raise funds for the state 4-H shooting sports program. He continues to accompany New Mexico's team to national competitions.
James and Sydney Sachse
James and Sydney Sachse of Dona Ana County
Inducted in: 2011
James and Sydney Sachse have been longtime supporters of the 4-H Program in Dona Ana County and throughout the state. Mrs. Sachse was the co-leader of the Hillbillies 4-H Club in Dona Ana County in the 1980's when all four of their sons were 4-H members. She was active with the Southern New Mexico State Fair and played a part in the formation of the New Mexico Bred Lamb Show at the New Mexico State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Sachse raised club lambs for more than 35 years and have always enjoyed meeting and collaborating with 4-H and FFA members and their families. Mrs. Sachse passed away in 2009. Mr. Sachse served many years as the Extension Sheep and Wool Specialist at New Mexico State University. During his tenure, he was instrumental in the implementation of the State 4-H Lamb School. He has judged at numerous County Fairs in New Mexico and his reputation as a judge has offered him the experience of judging major shows in other states. Today, Mr. Sachse continues raising show lambs in the Las Cruces area and also Red Angus Cattle in Union County.
William and Theresa Sanchez
William and Theresa Sanchez of Sandoval County
Inducted in: 2007
Many times as an organization conducts its business or hosts an event, there is a network of silent partners that provide the support behind the scenes financially, through labor or materials. William and Theresa Sanchez, owners and managers of the Poor Boys Oil Company of Cuba, NM are silent partners of the Sandoval County 4-H Program. They not only founded one of the largest and most active clubs in the county, but they have had a tremendous impact on the members through their enthusiasm, generosity and guidance. Whether it is a gymkhana, youth rodeo, summer camp or fundraiser, Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez are there providing equipment, volunteering and providing financial resources if needed. They also sponsor buckles and events at the County Fair, including the Junior Livestock Sale in Sandoval and Rio Arriba Counties. Thank you and Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Sanchez.
Martha Sayles
Nominated by: Dona Ana County
Inducted in: 2013
In her 46 years volunteering with 4-H, Martha Sayles has coached, critiqued and judged numerous demonstrations and public speeches and been instrumental in bringing horse public speaking and demonstration to NM State 4-H Conference so that 4-H members had an opportunity to go to a national contest in those areas. In the 70's Martha organized and started the Town and Country 4-H Club in Dona Ana County. The club was a multi-purpose 4-H club who did sewing, cooking, horses, public speaking, garden project, and consumer education. As a parent and a leader, Mrs. Sayles helped form the Dona Ana County Parent Leader Organization and established the 4-H ambassador program in the Dona Ana County. She and her husband Danley have furnished horses for county, district and state 4-H horse judging contests. Both have served as judges for numerous local, district, state and national 4-H horse shows. Mrs. Sayles has represented Dona Ana County on the NM Extension and Research Support Council for 30 years and will tell anyone who asked that 4-H is the best youth activity there is. We would like to welcome Martha Sayles into the New Mexico 4-H Hall of Fame.
Alma "Skeeter" Schmitz
Alma "Skeeter" Schmitz, Rio Arriba County
Inducted In: 2013
Ms. Skeeter Schmitz is a longtime supporter of the 4-H Program. She has devoted the past 30 years to providing positive opportunities for youth to gain exceptional life skills. Being an advocate for agriculture and the ranching life style, Ms. Skeeter led the Lindrith Roadrunner 4-H Club with a stern but loving manner. A dedicated leader, Ms. Skeeter has been known to stay up until three in the morning to assist youth in completing record books and she has been instrumental in sending shooting sports teams to National competition. While encouraging members to take an active role in club activities and financial management, Ms. Skeeter held her members to a high standard in presentations, public speaking, livestock judging and parliamentary procedure. She continues to be involved in the county fair and mentor new organizational leaders. We would like to welcome Alma "Skeeter" Schmitz into the New Mexico 4-H Hall of Fame.
Linda Schultz
Nominated by: State 4-H Office
Inducted in: 2019
Linda Schultz accepted the position as a 4-H Youth Development Specialist with the New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service in 1999, focusing on 4-H volunteer leader development and expanding 4-H youth programming. She assisted youth in traveling to Australia, Germany and Japan through the 4-H International Program.
Linda was the driving force behind the 4-H Military Program in New Mexico, serving as our Military Liaison. She facilitated relationships between County Faculty and the Military Bases across New Mexico, including Kirtland, Canon, Holloman and White Sands Missile Range, including securing and overseeing the 4-H Military Club grant. In 2009, Linda secured funding to hire an educator to coordinate the Operation Military Kids Program, further increasing services offered to military youth.
Linda served as the grant writer and manager for the 4-H Share/Care After School Program located in eleven New Mexico counties managing $250,000. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Grants provided $190,000 annually over a four-year period and provided staffing and other resources to reach new youth audiences.
Linda served as the coordinator for the New Mexico 4-H Forum for Adults and Volunteer Leader Executive Board, both of which are still in effect today. In her tenure with NMSU, Linda enabled over 1000 volunteers and staff members to better serve New Mexico youth through valuable skills related to youth development, program coordination and teaching methods through this statewide event and county volunteer trainings. She motivated volunteers and facilitated a positive attitude among those she worked with.
Sandy Scott
Nominated by: San Juan County
Inducted in: 2002
The late Sandy Scott was a rancher in San Juan County who served as 4-H project leader for most of his life. He helped youth select, feed and care for stock and taught them about total herd management. He made quality livestock available to 4-H and FFA, and on occasion he donated animals to youth whose families could not afford them. He consistently accompanied members of the San Juan County 4-H clubs on their annual camping trip. He was also a lifetime board member of the San Juan County 4-H Council.
Gilbert J. Segura
Nominated by: Rey Torres - Taos Co.
Inducted in: 2008
Billy Smith
Nominated by: Roosevelt County
Inducted in: 2002
The late Billy Smith's Cooperative Extension Service career in New Mexico took him from Lea to Torrance to Roosevelt County, where he presided over 20 years of phenomenal growth and development. Under his leadership, Roosevelt County 4-H had 1,000 active members, with one adult leader for every eight members. He organized local clinics, chaperoned events statewide and coached first-place national livestock and land, pasture and range judging teams. Mr. Smith improved the Roosevelt County fairgrounds and served as junior beef superintendent at the State Fair for 10 years. Before his death in 1993, he established an endowed scholarship awarded annually to a Roosevelt County 4-H member.
Gene & Glenda Smith
Nominated by: Chaves County
Inducted in: 2002
Gene and Glenda Smith have volunteered with 4-H in Chaves County for 34 years. They served as organizational leaders in Berrendo 4-H Club from 1971 to 1989 and worked with the Chaves County 4-H and FFA Achievement Day from the early 1970s to 1982. They belonged to a leader organization that established the Chaves County 4-H and FFA Fair in 1983, serving as board members for 10 years. They also led sheep and wool events at the Eastern New Mexico State Fair. Their two children were active in 4-H from 1969 to 1987. At the state level, Mrs. Smith has worked as swine and market goat superintendent at the New Mexico State Fair since 1986. Mr. Smith has served as State Fair sheep superintendent since 1988. The Smiths have chaperoned at State 4-H Conference, Scott Able 4-H Camp and National 4-H Club Congress.
Patricia Smith
Nominated by: San Miguel County
Inducted in: 2002
Patricia Smith grew up in the 4-H program and over the last 25 years has guided her own five children and many others through the program as a project and club leader. A single mom, she has sacrificed her time as a devoted and committed member of the Las Vegas community to impart leadership skills to her children and neighborhood children. As with every aspect of her life, Patricia gives 110 percent to 4-H activities and continues to instill ethical values in the children she encounters.
Truman Smith
Nominated by: Colfax County
Inducted in: 2002
Truman Smith, a 35-year supporter and 4-H leader from Raton, is a talented veterinarian. He has used his broad scientific knowledge for the betterment of many of Colfax County's livestock projects, including the Colfax County Bred and Raised Steer class. He has been honored with many awards for achievement and volunteer leadership.
Gene Stark
Gene Stark of San Juan County
Inducted in: 2007
Gene Stark began showing animals as a child and in 1957 he showed the Grand Champion Market Pen of Rabbits. Later in his life, his three children became involved in 4-H where he and his wife, Alberta, became project leaders, organizational leaders and all around volunteers. It was in the late 70s that his son's interest in poultry as a 4-H project started Mr. Stark's involvement with the San Juan County Fair Poultry Barn. In 1980, Mr. Stark and his son took over as Department Heads for the Poultry Division and now, some 30 years later, Mr. Stark is still going strong, seeing an increase in the number of birds shown from 35 when he took over to over 700 in 2007. He is always willing to attend 4-H meetings and teach youth showmanship, proper cleaning of birds and the importance of quality birds. Mr. Stark was also one of the department heads that worked to convince the fair board to include small animals in the Junior Livestock Sale. Thank you and Congratulations, Mr. Stark.
Patricia Strange
Patricia Strange of Cibola County
Inducted in: 2011
Patricia Strange as been involved with 4-H for over 27 years in Cibola County. She has touched the lives of countless 4-H members and volunteers as an Extension employee. Giving her time and talents above and beyond just what she was paid to do and continuing on as a volunteer herself when the pay checks stopped coming. Ms. Strange is involved with 4-H to this day, even stepping in to keep the program going in the absence of an agent. Her dedication and caring nature make Mrs. Strange a natural for the 4-H Hall of Fame.
Ralph and Cheryl Stumpff
Ralph and Cheryl Stumpff of Santa Fe County
Inducted in: 2007
Ralph and Cheryl Stumpff have given a combined total of over 58 years as leaders to the New Mexico 4-H Program. They hold project meetings every week in their home to help club members with their projects such as shooting sports, rocketry, fishing, gardening, archery, rabbits, poultry, photography, baking, canning, Leathercraft and whatever else the youth are interested in, not too mention record books. Mr. & Mrs. Stumpff also encourage members to participate at the county, district and state levels. They conduct monthly service projects and promote 4-H through information booths at different community functions. Both serve on the planning committee and actively participate in the New Mexico 4-H Leaders' Forum and attend the Western 4-H Leaders' Forum annually. The Stumpff's also provide continued support to the Santa Fe County Fair, the Booster Club, Junior Livestock Sale and the New Mexico 4-H Foundation. The Stumpff's work together as a team on 4-H and youth activities, including aiding other clubs in getting started and supporting countywide events. Thank you and congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Stumpff.
Kristin Sultemeier
Nominated by: Marsha Palmer
Inducted in: 2015
Mrs. Sultemeier has been a volunteer 4-H leader in Lincoln County for 25 years and raised her three children in the 4-H program. She has been a 4-H Organizational Leader for 20 of those years. One of her specialties is facilitating the entomology and horticulture contest during the Lincoln County Contest every year. Starting in 2002, she became the 4-H indoor Superintendent for the Lincoln County Fair. She also orders all the ribbons for the fair, insures sponsors for awards and buckle donors. She helps with Capitan Buyer's Club and is in charge of the Lead Line during the fair. Mrs. Sultemeier is a key player during project meetings, county council fundraisers, and community service projects. She has spent countless hours planning, preparing and fine tuning programs and projects alongside the youth of Lincoln county. Her Dedication to the 4-H program in New Mexico as a parent, leader and volunteer is part of the strong history of our program.
Ray and Carolyn Sumruld
Ray and Carolyn Sumruld of Quay County
Inducted in 2010
Quay County 4-H was fortunate to have Raymond and Carolyn Sumruld as 4-H leaders. They became leaders when their daughter joined 4-H. Mrs. Sumruld and some other mothers took on the job of starting a much needed 4-H club in the Tucumcari area. They quickly grew to be one of the largest, most active clubs in the county. Mrs. Sumruld assisted with a variety of projects and helped youth become leaders. She also served as fair superintendent for over 15 years making sure her department ran smoothly. Mr. and Mrs. Sumruld both served as 4-H leaders for approximately 20 years. Mr. Sumruld shared his talents as a craftsman, assisting many 4-Hers with woodworking projects. In his role as manager of the Gas Company of New Mexico, he supported the 4-H fundraising efforts and convinced the company to purchase a sale animal.